What Are My Options in Hormonal Birth Control?Mar 17, 2025One of the more effective ways to prevent an unplanned pregnancy is through hormonal birth control. You can customize your birth control even further by choosing a hormonal contraceptive that works for you.Continue reading →
My Cramps During My Period Are Unbearable: Why?Mar 13, 2025At best, your periods are a hassle. At their worst, however, they can hijack your life, especially if you experience severe cramping. If you dread your periods because of cramping, read on to learn more.Continue reading →
Do Fibroids Go Away on Their Own?Feb 13, 2025Whether you know you have uterine fibroids or you’ve heard that most women develop these non-cancerous growths, you want to know whether you can expect them to fade away on their own. Likely not.Continue reading →
Breaking Down the LEEP Procedure: What to Expect Before, During, and AfterJan 15, 2025As a preventive measure, we need to remove some potentially problematic cells from your cervix, so you’re scheduled for a LEEP procedure. Here’s a soup-to-nuts look at this quick and easy process.Continue reading →
I'm Over 35 and Pregnant. Am I Considered High-Risk?Jan 09, 2025When you hear the words, “high risk,” attached to your pregnancy, you’re understandably concerned. Pregnant women over the age of 35 do fall into this category, and we want to explain why here.Continue reading →
6 Benefits of an IUD for Birth ControlDec 05, 2024Women can prevent an unplanned pregnancy in many ways, and the intrauterine device, or IUD, is one of the most popular. In this blog, we review six of the benefits that an IUD can offer women.Continue reading →
Is Spotting Between Periods a Concern?Dec 05, 2024Aside from being a giant hassle, you’re wondering whether you should be concerned about spotting between periods. Here, we dive into the issue and when you should come see us for abnormal bleeding.Continue reading →
5 Tips to Prepare for Sex After ChildbirthNov 15, 2024Childbirth can have no small impact on your vaginal health, and you’re wondering when you can get back to business as usual where your sex life is concerned. Here are some great tips for preparing for post-childbirth sex.Continue reading →
2 Reasons Why Osteoporosis Is More Common in WomenNov 01, 2024Did you know that up to one half of women aged 50 and older will experience a bone fracture due to osteoporosis? There are two big reasons why women are at much greater risk for bone issues, and we review them here. Continue reading →
Recognizing the Signs of Problematic FibroidsOct 16, 2024It might surprise you to learn that most women develop fibroids during their reproductive years, and they are none the wiser. For some, however, fibroids can be problematic, and here are some signs of potential trouble.Continue reading →
4 Things We Want You to Know About Breast CancerOct 02, 2024You may notice a lot of pink this month as people shine the spotlight on breast cancer. We want to do our part by sharing some important information about this serious disease so that you can protect yourself.Continue reading →
Why Are My Periods So Heavy?Sep 17, 2024You envy friends who have light, short periods and get on with life without a menstrual care. You, however, are struggling to keep up with heavy bleeding that’s affecting your quality of life. Here’s the information you need.Continue reading →
I Have Horrible Menopausal Symptoms: Can You Help?Sep 04, 2024Each year in the United States, 1.3 women enter menopause — some sail on through while others face life-changing side effects. If you’re struggling with menopause, here’s how we can help.Continue reading →
When Should My Adolescent Have Her First Gynecology Exam and What Can She Expect?Aug 23, 2024Your daughter is growing into a young lady, and you realize it may be time for her first visit to the gynecologist. Here’s a look at when you should bring her in, plus a few details about what we accomplish during this first visit.Continue reading →
5 Steps You Can Take to Encourage a Healthy PregnancyAug 17, 2024Whether it’s your first pregnancy or your third, you want to do everything in your power to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible, for your unborn child and for yourself. Here are some great practices.Continue reading →
5 Signs You Might Have an STIJul 24, 2024Despite awareness efforts, the rate of sexually transmitted infections in the United States is very high, even causing the CDC to use terms like, epidemic. Here’s how to recognize if you’ve been infected. Continue reading →
Putting an End to Heavy Bleeding with Endometrial AblationJul 11, 2024Each month, your life is hijacked by heavy periods that limit your activities, ruin your clothes, and just have an overall negative impact on your quality of life. It might be time to consider an endometrial ablation.Continue reading →
3 Birth Control Categories That Don't Use HormonesJun 20, 2024You aren’t ready for pregnancy and family planning, but you don’t want to use hormonal methods for your birth control. The good news is that you have plenty of options from which to choose, and we take a look at many of them here.Continue reading →
Can I Get Pregnant If I Have PCOS?Jun 19, 2024Millions of American women struggle with fertility, for a variety of reasons and *spoiler alert* polycystic ovary syndrome is high on the list. Here’s a look at how this condition can affect your ability to get pregnant.Continue reading →
When to See Us About Spotting Between PeriodsMay 16, 2024It's hard enough to manage your monthly periods, but now you’re experiencing bleeding between periods. This spotting is not only a hassle, it might point toward a larger problem that can benefit from our help.Continue reading →
4 Best Practices for Recovering from a HysterectomyMay 15, 2024You’re joining millions of women who have undergone a hysterectomy, and you want to do whatever you can to make the process go as smoothly as possible. These best practices will go a long way toward that goal.Continue reading →
What We Want You to Know About Painful PeriodsApr 02, 2024Some cramping around your periods is to be expected, but millions of women deal with debilitating pain that takes them out of action for a few days each month. Here’s what we want you to know.Continue reading →
5 Tips for Dealing With Menopausal Hot FlashesApr 01, 2024Every day in the United States, about 6,000 women enter menopause. Though side effects of this transition can vary greatly, one of the more common complaints is having hot flashes. Here’s how you can better weather the heat. Continue reading →
What a Well-Woman Exam Can Reveal About Your HealthMar 06, 2024Women have some different health concerns than men, which is why they need specialized care. That care starts with the annual well-woman exam, which checks a lot of health boxes. Continue reading →
How Can Fibroids Affect Pregnancy?Mar 02, 2024You want everything to go as smoothly as possible during your pregnancy, and you’re worried whether common conditions like uterine fibroids can interfere. Yes, they can, but it doesn’t happen often.Continue reading →
Tips for Choosing Your Ideal Birth Control MethodFeb 08, 2024The good news when it comes to birth control is that there’s a great solution for most every situation. The bad news is that the sheer number of choices can make it confusing. Here’s what you should consider. Continue reading →
3 Common Signs of EndometriosisFeb 01, 2024Did you know that more than one in 10 of American women have endometriosis? If you suspect that something is amiss with your reproductive health, here are the most common signs of this common condition.Continue reading →
Navigating Maternity Care with Gulf Coast Total Care: Your Comprehensive GuideJan 09, 2024Bringing a baby into the world can be a nerve-racking journey, so you want the right team in your corner. If you’re on Medicaid, we work with Gulf Coast Total Care to provide you with the top-notch care you deserve.Continue reading →
The Role of B12 Lipotropic Injections in Women's Weight LossJan 05, 2024Women can face a real uphill battle when it comes to weight loss thanks to hormone fluctuations that make shedding pounds difficult. We can give you a leg up with B12 lipotropic injections. Continue reading →
5 Great Benefits of Pellet-based Hormone Replacement TherapyDec 11, 2023Each year in the United States, more than one million pass through menopause, which can bring some unwelcome changes. Thankfully, we can greatly ease this transition with pellet hormone replacement therapy.Continue reading →
When Should You Worry About Abnormal Bleeding? Dec 02, 2023Wouldn’t it be great if your periods came like clockwork, only lasted a few days, and there was minimal cramping, not to mention minimal bleeding? This ideal isn’t the case for the many women who struggle with abnormal bleeding. Continue reading →
6 Potential Causes of Chronic Pelvic PainNov 01, 2023You’ve been struggling with ongoing pelvic pain — for six months or more — and you want some answers. Though we can’t diagnose you through a blog post, we can give you an idea about some common causes.Continue reading →
When Will I Be Finished with Menopause?Oct 10, 2023From the moment the first hot flash hits, many women wonder just how long the transition through menopause is going to take — and the answer isn’t terribly satisfying. We’re talking ranges rather than real numbers.Continue reading →
The Many Roles That Ultrasound Can Play in Your Reproductive HealthOct 06, 2023From the first glimpse of your unborn child to assessing the health of your pelvic organs, few tools are more effective and work harder than ultrasound. Here’s why ultrasound is so invaluable.Continue reading →
My Periods Are Extremely Heavy. What Should I Do?Sep 06, 2023Periods. You don’t exactly look forward to getting them each month, but thanks to heavy bleeding, they’ve become more than just a minor nuisance. Here’s a look at what we want you to know about heavy bleeding and your next steps.Continue reading →
Who's at Risk for Fibroids?Sep 01, 2023Uterine fibroids may affect up to 80% of women, so just being a female is a risk factor for these benign growths. Here, we explore some more factors that may make you more susceptible to fibroids.Continue reading →
How PCOS Can Affect Your Fertility, Your Appearance, and Your HealthAug 04, 2023Polycystic ovary syndrome affects about 10% of women of childbearing age and can cast a wide net over a woman’s life. From acne and hair loss to the inability to get pregnant, here are some key side effects.Continue reading →
When Should My Teen Start Seeing a Gynecologist?Jul 06, 2023Your daughter grows up so quickly, and before you know it, she’s a small adult who can benefit from specialized women's healthcare. If you’re wondering when to introduce your daughter to this care, read on. Continue reading →
Prenatal Exercise 101: Your Guide to Safe Activity During the Summer Jun 01, 2023Less back pain, lower blood pressure, healthy weight gain — these are just a few of the many advantages of exercising during pregnancy. Here’s a look at how to exercise safely this summer while you’re pregnant. Continue reading →
Menopause and Osteoporosis: 5 Ways to Maintain Bone Health as You Age May 03, 2023One out of three women over age 50 experiences bone loss, which places them at great risk for fractures. If you’re going through menopause and are worried about osteoporosis, this is a must-read.Continue reading →
What Are My Birth Control Options?Apr 04, 2023Having children just isn’t part of your plans right now, and you want to explore your options for preventing pregnancy. There are plenty, and we break them down here so that you can make a decision that best suits your needs.Continue reading →
What Does Lactation Consulting Involve?Mar 03, 2023For nine months, your body took care of everything, but the moment your child enters the world, your role suddenly becomes far more active. This transition can be overwhelming, which is where a lactation consultant can help.Continue reading →
Can Diet Play a Role in My Fertility?Feb 03, 2023It’s hard to find an area of your health that isn’t directly or indirectly influenced by your diet and this includes your ability to get pregnant. Here’s a look at how improvements in your diet can promote fertility.Continue reading →
Can I Still Get Pregnant if I Have Endometriosis?Jan 20, 2023Millions of women deal with endometriosis in the United States and about one-third of these women also struggle with fertility issues. Here’s a look at the connection and how we can help with both.Continue reading →
What is Considered an Abnormal Period?Dec 14, 2022Given the hassle that periods can be under the best of circumstances, you want to make sure that your menstrual cycles are functioning normally. If you’re experiencing abnormal periods, here’s what we want you to know. Continue reading →
What to Expect With Hormone Replacement TherapyNov 07, 2022Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, bone loss — these are some of the major side effects of menopause that we can address through hormone replacement therapy. Here’s a look at how this treatment works.Continue reading →
How to Improve Your Sex Life After 50Oct 06, 2022You used to think that when you enter your 50s, your sex life might be better — no periods, no kids, more experience. Unfortunately, you find that your sex life has taken a turn for the worse, and you want solutions. We have them. Continue reading →
9 Tips to Prepare Your Body for PregnancySep 20, 2022There’s a lot to consider when bringing a new life into the world, which is why a little pre-planning can go a long way. Here are ten tips to get your body ready for the baby if you're ready to conceive. Continue reading →